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One Piece Chapter 1111

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Will Stanley, Kohaku, and Dr. Senku Lands on The Moon In Dr. Stone Chapter 224?

Dr. Stone Chapter 224

Dr. Stone Chapter 224 reveals three heroes departing to the moon. The Science of Kindom crew has finished crafting all material they need for a trip to the moon. Senku, Kohaku, and Stanley wear this space suit and get ready to depart to the moon. Kohaku embraces Ruri before she leaves for the moon. Dr. Stone has been on this trip to the mon after Senku and Xeno allied to make a rock and revive Stanley, who agrees to help them. In Dr. Dtone’s latest chapter, the Science of Kingdom crew watched the three heroes as they headed towards the pilot.

Ruri reminds Kohaku to return safely, and Chrome also has a few words for Senku. Dr. Xeno realizes that is the last showdown with ”Why-Man,” but he never planned for it. Kohaku promised Ruri that she would stay safe. Dr. Xeno talks with Stanley about the science and Stan’s battle prowess that will combine to wage war. Stan told Xeno that he was unsure since it was not only two of them. Senku gets near Zeno as they both look at something. Xeno realizes that they have allied with Senku’s people, and also the entire world has joined them.

He reminds Stan that smoking is not allowed, and Xeno gives him chewing tobacco cigarettes. Stan took those chewing gums, and Tsukasa reminded Kohaku about her martial arts. Kohaku also talked about Stanley’s marksmanship and believes that Kohaku and Stan can handle space combat as the ultimate fighting force. Ryusui smiles after realizing that he gave Stan his position since Stan was better at shooting than him. He told him that he stole his ride, but he must do his job well. Stan and Ryusui fist pump, and Stan promise that he will do it.

Previously on Dr. Stone Chapter 223

The crew realizes that it will be the first time for Senku to land on the moon, and they begin to get emotional. Lana comments that Senku will return to her, and Carlos and Max’s hearts get broken since they thought she might consider them. Senku realizes that 5% of humankind died on the moon, but death is far from them. Suika feels like they are throwing a big party, but she wonders if the rocket falls like when they do trials.

Dr. Stone Chapter 224Dr. Stone Chapter 224

Gen believes that nothing will go wrong and sings a song for three heroes going to the moon. He reminds the crew that their space cadet will get petrified for takeoff, and even if the launch fails, they can gather their pieces and revive them. Taiju supports that, but Senku is not like those ideas since they will have to start from scratch. Taiju reminds Senku that if they fail, Yuzuhara will fix them. Senku told Taiju and Yuzuhara to keep working hard, and he knows that they will keep talking since it is hard for them to let him go.

Taiju told Senku that he could count on them and the crew on the ground would give them moral support. Joel meets with Kaseki and realizes that they have to have that promised toast as fellow engineers of the Stone World. The two talk about how they worked with batteries in the past. Senku, Kohaku, and Stanley enter the rocket and reach to leave the Earth. The Science of Kingdom crew wonders what awaits their three heroes on the moon. They start the count down as the rock gets ready to launch. They are both petrified, and the countdown reaches one.

Dr. Stone Chapter 224 Release Date

Dr. Stone Chapter 224 will be released on 3 January 2022. The rocket leaves the earth, and Senku knows that they will reserve the petrification of their world back to zero. The three heroes have now left the Earth as the rocket heads to the moon. Dr. Stone Chppter 224 will take a weekly break and return after a week. Let’s look at Dr. Stone Chapter 224 official details and other latest news.

Dr. Stone Chapter 224Dr. Stone Chapter 224

Read Dr. Stone Chapter 224 Online – Raw Details

You can read Dr. Stone Chapter 224 online on Shonen Jump’s official website. Dr. Stone Manga’s updates, latest news, and recent three chapters are available officially on VIZ Media & Shueisha’s online magazine. The next chapters of this manga will be delayed and released after this coming Sunday. The spoilers for Dr. Stone Chapter 224 will arrive after this coming week. Let’s meet when Dr. Stone Chapter 224 is released.

Also Read: Will Megumi Defeat Reggie In Jujutsu Kaisen Chapter 170?.

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